Tell Your Employees to Stay Home

Over the past few months we have been talking about the advantages of working with our employees remotely from home. This may not be feasible for all businesses but some such as our advertising agency can work remotely because almost everything we do is on computers....

Print Advertising Marries Digital Advertising

You may have seen them in you favorite magazine, they are called two dimensional bar codes and look something like this: A great way to give your printed direct mail piece some extra punch or bring any type of printed material to life is by placing one or more of...

AIM Launches CAT Pilot

Aim Digital Visions has launched its first experimental digital signage on one of the Capital Area Transit (CAT) buses in Harrisburg, PA. In our first live run the system performed beautifully.

Technology without a purpose

About two weeks ago I posted a blog entry about our Pilot project with Harrisburg CAT and I ended my blog with the statement  "Isn't technology great when it serves a purpose!!" Today I wanted to take a moment to revisit this particular topic because today I'm...

Internet Marketing Is Getting Even More Powerful

If you've been following our blogs, you know our company is always aggressively looking for ways to improve and increase return on our clients' investments. One of the most exciting new concepts is email marketing. You may have heard success stories from business...

A Response to Ethics in Advertising

I am pleased the Associated Press chose to quote my thoughts on ethics in the Advertising Industry. As I read the responses from readers, I realize there are two different topics of ethics being discussed.

A Tsunami of Political Advertising Rolling Your Way

Kantar Media, which tracks political advertising, says about $2.6 billion was spent on the 2008 general election—up from $1.7 billion four years earlier In January. Remember how obnoxious it got? This year the ad spending will likely increase again especially since the Supreme Court removed almost all limits on corporate political giving.