Hot Advertising Idea for 4th Quarter!

[display_podcast] Every Door Direct Mail (EDDM) is a great new way to do direct mail at a low cost.  Whether you are an experienced direct mail advertiser or new to direct mail, the United States Post Office program is a great way to save money or get into direct mail...

Throwing Money Down A Dark Hole?

Not caring about the effectiveness of your advertising usually means you are wasting money. The efficiency can be measured best on the Internet, but mass media advertising can also be tracked through your Internet site. The aim of advertising is either increase in...

Are We Too Busy to Read?

[display_podcast] When asked what made him so successful, Wayne Gretzky answered, “I skate to where the puck is going to be, not where it has been.”  This is a great analogy for success in business. More than ever today, the key to business success is to get ahead of...